Pardon My Garden

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Tue, 15 Aug 2006

Last year, on a spring morning walking down my garden path, and spied what I thought was a bright blue flower unfurled on the grey flagstone. Then, I bent down to see a pair of very scared, black beady birdie eyes looking back at me. As fast as I could, I scooped up the precious baby whose heart seemed to be beating out of his chest, on further examination I saw his leg was bent in reverse at an odd angle. My heart sunk when I realized it was broken but he was still alive and needed help. Mother blue jay was dive bombing from the sky and she was as concerned as I was.

Now if you are seeking a happy ending, this story didn't have one. What I did next was to seek help from wildlife rehab people to no avail, I was given some basic advice to keep him alive, and I did so for 21 days until he flew to heaven in the middle of night. But not before he took his first flight to me while I was gardening far away from him one sunny afternoon. He had 2 solo flights and he was such a precious gift from God that taught me a lot that wonderful summer. He is buried in my garden with a little stone bird to mark his resting place with violets and baby tears growing nearby. I have lots of jays in my yard and I think of him often when I see the bright flash of blue feathers.