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March 05, 2004

Letter to Mom

Dear Mom, This is from your son Wishes. Having left you last Friday, I meowed most of the way home in the pet carrier. Kind fingers reached in and reassured me from time to time, followed by a soft voice crooning to me. Car rides scare me some and not being with my brother was frightening also.

The car stopped after a while and I was taken into a warm home and coaxed out of my carrier by a bowl of food you had sent home with me, not forgetting to mention the nice mouse toy. Of course all I did was to smell it and turn my nose up at it, being the sweet brat I am.

This new person, who coos to me, spent some time on her pc talking, telling everyone about me and cradling me in her arms, trying to reassure me as she typed with one hand. As for me, I amused myself by chewing on her braid hanging over her shoulder and batted at a shiny earring she was wearing. From time to time I would jump down and explore the small room she had me contained in, smelling at the narrow crack under the door and it seemed I could smell other cats. Well ok, it seemed alright I had food from home, water, a litter pan and a sweet voice to talk to me and someone who was cuddling me.

Night time came soon, both the kind voice and I were yawning she left me sleeping on the small bed beside her pc, went to her bed I guess. Well, I was having no part of this and I started howling and meowing loudly, using the most sorrowful voice I could muster. I quieted as I heard soft footsteps padding down the hall towards me, and the door opened. I looked up at her and mewed sweetly to her, she came to me pulled me down on the small bed with her and I slept cradled in the crook of her arm.

Morning came soon, I awoke her by nudging my wet nose under hers and she made this sound that can only be described as giggling and was instantly awake. In an moment she was fretting and fussing that I had not used the litter pan as of yet, to tell the truth I was just about at the point of crossing my hind legs with the need to. Why she kept putting me in the litter pan and pretending to paw in it was beyond me as I know full well how to use a litter pan, but I watched as she continued those actions. Just as she turned away and started out the door I figured this was the chance I needed to a bit of privacy and I did my thing to wet the litter.

As the day wore on I got the distinct impression she wanted to contain me in this small room, as for me I had other ideas about exploring this brave new world of mine. At the earliest chance I scooted out the door between her legs and with my tail in a full waving plume I began to saunter down the hallway as she watched with silent amusement. To my surprise two smallish cats raced right past me with the black-white one turning to hiss at me nastily. Well, so much for the brotherly love that I had come to hope for in this new home of mine. As I came to find out later in day the cat that had hissed had been the favored one and was feeling a slight misplaced by the new member of her family, umm that would be me.

Now, what is in a name I ask? This silly person who spirited me away from my family and everything I had known since birth suddenly began calling me peetail, huh... what kind of a name is that for a full blooded Maine Coon I wonder? You know, I think she also wondered about that as I saw her bring up site after site on her pc with cat names and baby names. As I was playing, racing around the room I would hear her in the distance muttering strange names tripping them off the tip of her tongue as she would shake her head and say no, no, no, that will not do. I know for a fact, friends of hers had suggested calling me Meatball as she had to make over a hundred that week for a lunch. I shuddered at the thought of such a mundane name for myself. After a while she looked over, I looked back with that innocent look of a kitten that has been into mischief and she said ?I will call you Wishes.? Hooray, I had a name I could live with, maybe even learn to love as I looked back into her cat green eyes she smiled and said Wishes, it is. Although, it is with a small amount of regret I must tell you , that sometimes she lapses into the nickname of peetail when she is feeling overly affectionate with me or when I have been naughty.

Well, my time is short on her pc before she comes in and finds me typing, she doesn't know I have figured out how to email. Maybe I will email you again someday and continue my story. Loving meows and trilling sounds from your son, Whiskered Wickked Wishes a.k.a. peetail