Serenity has many URL's that provide us with information that we can use to help our users with. Serenity's Serenity Web page URL is This is the primary page for Serenity. Which has links to many other Serenity related links, as well as links to SereneMIRC and serenepirch which are two clients modified for Serenity. Serenity's Services guide URL is This page has links to nickserv, chanserv and memoserv NickServ Page is Shows all nickserv commands ChanServ Page is Shows all chanserv commands MemoServ Page is Shows all memoserv commands Serenity's Link Application URL is This page is where anyone wanting to link a server to Serenity would go. They fill out the form and submit it. Then wait for Routing to review it and reply ************ Serenity's Channel listing URL is This URL contains a current list of the active channels on Serenity Serenity's Acceptable Use Policy URL is This URL holds Serenity's Acceptable Use Policy, Its considered good practice for helpers and opers to read this as well the users. ******* Pause for questions ********** Modes, what are they, what purpose are they? Modes are flags that are used on channels as well as nicks to perform specific functions. +c. Rejects all messages that contain colors. +c is not used as much...but if you dont want colors(popups/macros) then you would use this mode Syntax /mode #channel +c +H only registered and identified nicks from this host mask can enter the room. Wildcards can be used with this. Syntax /mode #channel +H ?????????!?????????@*. +i. Sets room 'invite only' +i makes the room invite one can join unless you invite them in Syntax /mode #channel +i +l number. Channel is limited to x number of people that can join. If you want to limit people in your room then you set a +l and how many people you want in Syntax /mode #channel +l value +k password. Users need a password or 'key' to join the room. Syntax /mode #channel +k +m. Sets the room moderated. This setting will make it where if you're not oped or voiced in the room to able speak in the room. Syntax /mode #channel +m +n. Room accepts no messages from outside. Syntax /mode #channel +n +t. Only room operators can change the topic. Syntax /mode #channel +t +r. The room is registered with ChanServ. You can only change this by registering or dropping the room with Chanserv. +R. Only registered AND identified nicks can join a room. This is used to make it where if you are not a registered nick then you cant join room....its good and bad...good cause most people that register their nicks are nice people...bad cause some good people don�t know how to register and they wont be able to get into your room. Syntax /mode #channel +R +s. Room is secret when +s is on your room will not show up on list or if someone does a /whois you it wont show up there either unless they are IN the room. Syntax /mode #channel +s +p At this time we do not have +p or Private if you set +p you will get this message >>>p :is an unknown mode char or you may get no message at all Last but not least modes +b and +e. +b sets a ban +e sets a ban exemption Syntax /mode #channel +b nick!ident@host ******* Pause for questions ********** +o. Gives user access to channel operator commands Syntax /mode #channel +o nick +v. Gives voice to a user in your room. This is used with +m, +m sets the room moderated. This setting will make it where if you're not oped or voiced +v in the room to able speak in the room. Syntax /mode #channel +v nick +i. Sets the user invisible, invisible to being seen when one performs /names on a channel, unless the person is in the room. Syntax /mode +i nick There are some modes that are reserved for operators, Service Operators or higher. These modes are +a - Activate Syntax /operserv mode +a nick +d - Nickname is currently deactivated Syntax /operserv mode +d nick +e - Show e-mail in info Syntax /operserv mode +e nick +h - Held (it will never expire) USE CAUTION when adding, and NEVER remove unless you are ABSOLUTEY sure Syntax /operserv mode +h nick +k - Enable/disable nick kill enforce (guard) Syntax /operserv mode +k nick +m - Marked Syntax /operserv mode +m nick +r - Registered nick Syntax /operserv mode +r nick +s - Services Operator (SRA only) Syntax /operserv mode +s nick +v - Vacation extends expiration to 3 to 4 times normal. Note, this HAS been known to "disappear" but that bug is now fixed. Syntax /operserv mode +v nick +w - MsgMode set for webtv users Syntax /operserv mode +w nick